About Me

A Day without Blood is like a Day without Sunshine
California native Jeff Jibran was born April 10, 1973 in San Diego California, interested in tattooing at a very young age started getting his first tattoos at 13 years old and hand poking tattoos on his friends and schoolmates, eventually graduating to homemade rotary type tattoo machines through his teenage years and eventually professional equipment by the age of 18. Traveling back and forth from San Diego California to Jacksonville Florida, he eventually landed a job at the world-famous “Inksmith and Rogers” where he worked for 18 years with many amazing world class artist before opening his own tattoo studio Idle Hands Tattoo Company. Jeff has also traveled the world extensively working in world class studios such as “Scratch Addiction Tattoo” in Tokyo, Japan, “Royal Tattoo” in Denmark, “All Star Tattoo” in Ireland, “Avalon 2 Tattoo” in San Diego, California, “Love Hate Tattoo” in Ireland and “Miami Ink” in Miami, Florida as well as several other spots through Germany and the world famous Amsterdam Tattoo Museum. Jeff is versatile in all types of tattooing but specialties are in Japanese, Eastern religions, and traditional Americana tattooing. Jeff would like to thank all of his friends and clients from all over the world for making his dream a reality. If you want to meet Jeff in person and see some of his amazing work please stop by Idle Hands Tattoo Company in Jacksonville, Florida. Be assured you will receive a world class quality tattoo.